Sunday, January 10, 2010

Blogging is a Teacher's Best Friend

As a high school advanced economics teacher I have posted a classroom blog accessible to all, but especially accessible to my students and parents. I have had an enormous positive response from parents who obviously find it easier and more convenient to become involved in their child's education. We post to the blog as a classroom and as individuals. I post economic problems for contests where the winners pictures are posted and prizes are awarded. We post projects using power point, video, and web cams. The students also create and display pod casts on the blog, special dates appear, and personal stories and encouragement are given. The students are much more excited using new technology and their grades have steadily improving.


  1. I love the idea of using your classroom blog for contests regarding your curriculum. I would imagine that your honor students are highly motivated to participate and win. What sort of prizes are awarded to the winners? It seems like your class blog serves as a great way to use cooperative learning in your teaching as well. Do you have to obtain parent permission before your students are allowed to participate? If so, how do you accommodate a student whose parent will not allow him/her to participate in online activities?

  2. I like the contest idea, as well, especially for your highly motivated Honors students. I also think your average students would be more apt to compete because there is less embarrassment answering a question incorrectly in writing instead of face to face. I think students would be more willing to take a risk because they can "hide" in writing.

  3. I agree with you, blogging is a best friends of teacher, because here teacher also can share his independent thought and skills. I love blogging..

    Mohd Arif
